Kevin's 2004 FRC Infrared Beacon Tracking Code and Documentation

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Filename Description Size Official EDU-RC code that generates the infrared beacon waveforms.
48,050 Infrared beacon tracking and navigation code used at the 2004 FRC kick-off. As there are two different versions of receiver.c, make sure that your sensors are attached according to the instructions at the top of receiver.c.
63,062 Stand-alone example that demonstrates the infrared beacon tracker(s) without the navigation code. Start with this code if you want to write your own navigation code or just want to see the tracker(s) in action. A hint of how to calculate distance and heading to the beacon can be found in user_routines_fast.c/Process_Data_From_Local_IO( ). As there are two different versions of receiver.c, make sure that your sensors are attached according to the instructions at the top of receiver.c. Updated 2-24-04.
73,517 Same as above, but runs on IFI's nifty EDU-RC. As there are two different versions of receiver.c, make sure that your sensors are attached according to the instructions at the top of receiver.c. Updated 2-17-04 to include IFI's latest default code and a bug fix in the interrupt code.
70,542 Software that can help diagnose beacon and sensor problems.
Photo-detector_Diagram_rev012904.pdf FIRST's corrected infrared sensor to PWM cable wiring diagram. Use this diagram to build your infrared sensor assembly.
TSOP4840.pdf Data sheet for another Vishay IR sensor that will work (and is easier to find).
TSOP34840.pdf Data sheet for the Vishay TSOP34840 IR sensor distributed to the teams.
Infrared_System_rev012704.pdf FIRST's corrected beacon transmitter schematic and layout. Use this document to build your beacon from the supplied parts.
beacon_transmitter_2.pdf Example design of a simple Infrared beacon driver circuit using the parts in the kit. This has the correct pinout for the power MOSFET.
IRL3103.pdf Data sheet for the power MOSFET used in the above beacon transmitter circuits.
OED-EL-1L2.pdf Data sheet for the infrared LED distributed to the teams.
beacon_transmitter.pdf Example design of a simple Infrared beacon driver circuit.
ZTX603.pdf Data sheet for the transistor used in the above beacon transmitter circuit.
beacon_waveforms.pdf Illustration showing the beacon waveforms and the infrared sensors response. Updated 1-20-04.

Last Update: 9/21/2004 at 8:42 PM PDT
Copyright ©2003-2004 R. Kevin Watson